Monday, July 28, 2014

Anna's Collection of Pink and Squirming things


Two of the three orphaned House Finches
     I got back from BYS yesterday and about ten minutes later my friend called and said, "Hey Anna, You like birds right? I found some little ones in Sister Fractman's lawn." They were pink. I have three pinky birds sleeping in a box next to me as I type this. And they are absolutely tiny! I thought they were hummingbirds for a minute. Now I think they're goldfinches. Those are pretty small and we have a few around here. I'm trying to find them a wildlife rehabber so that I won't kill them accidentally. But I really want to keep them now.

Breakfast's pregnant belly
     Breakfast the Mouse is definately pregnant, she's getting that "swallowed a golf ball" look. She'll probably deliver more pink and squirming things into my room before the month is up.

Yes it's upside down and
you can deal with it.
     While were speaking of mice, my dad and my brother found a wild mouse(?) under our truck topper that was lying in the lawn. When I got home my brother was gone and Dad said that it was in the plastic dog treat container in my room.
     Guess what? It wasn't.
     I spent about ten minutes basically tearing my room apart until I found my brother's note that said it was in the aquiarium above my typewriter. Now it's in the freezer; it should make two or three kestrel meals.

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