Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello Again

     Sorry about the gap between posts. I was gone for a week to McCall.

     I got my leashes right before I left, literally. I got my leashes and an hour later I was on the road.
     P.S. "premium hawkers chocolate" tastes nasty.

     Monica came over to check my equipment today.
  • stabilize the screen perch with some string connecting the top to the feet
  • attatch a loop of rope to the center of the screen perch for tying the leash
  • make some minor modifications to the giant hood

  • extend the sides of my platform perch
  • figure out how to secure the astroturf to the platform perch in a way that is secure (especially around the edges) and removable
  • get some breeder mice
     My dad still thinks that I should wait until I have a kestrel to get mice, but if I want a good supply (that I don't have to pay and unaffordable price for) then I have to get them now.

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