Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello Again

     Sorry about the gap between posts. I was gone for a week to McCall.

     I got my leashes right before I left, literally. I got my leashes and an hour later I was on the road.
     P.S. "premium hawkers chocolate" tastes nasty.

     Monica came over to check my equipment today.
  • stabilize the screen perch with some string connecting the top to the feet
  • attatch a loop of rope to the center of the screen perch for tying the leash
  • make some minor modifications to the giant hood

  • extend the sides of my platform perch
  • figure out how to secure the astroturf to the platform perch in a way that is secure (especially around the edges) and removable
  • get some breeder mice
     My dad still thinks that I should wait until I have a kestrel to get mice, but if I want a good supply (that I don't have to pay and unaffordable price for) then I have to get them now.

Friday, June 20, 2014


I finally spoke with someone of authority at Western Sporting. They found my order through the website database but there was an energy glitch so the website database didn't send the order to the product database. Since I ordered the leashes FIVE FREAKIN' WEEKS AGO they said that they would only charge me for one leash (I ordered two) and rush the order and send me some of their  "Premium Hawkers' Chocolate" with the order for free. I'm not sure what that is, but I'm pretty sure it's chocolate so I'm happy.
Unfortunately, I'll be camping next week so I won't get the package until the next week unless rushed shipping means overnight. That would be fantastic.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A New Aviary

     I caught my fifth house sparrow by way of funnel trap a couple of days ago. My family was waiting for me so that we could continue our nighttime rituals so I just put it in the aviary. After we finished our prayers, I took it out of the aviary and into the garage for euthanization. But it was in the wrong hand and I was wearing gloves so of course I had to switch hands.

     Guess what happened?

     I spent the next hour and a half chasing a house sparrow around the garage. Finally, around 11:00pm I set my trap in the garage and went to bed. I caught it today with the trap.

On a slightly related note:

     I have been a little worried about actually keeping up with a kestrel's food needs. I haven't been catching very many birds and, apparently, the bird won't be able to entirely provide for itself. I think I'll get feeder mice. $8 for a pair and they'll reproduce like crazy. I think that between that, the sparrows from the trap, and what the kestrel should catch I will be able to keep up with its diet.

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Little Update on Everything

I finally got word that my leashes shipped. Appearently, the one with this information is a new worker and forgot to send me my email (which I still don't have). I'm expecting the package to come within the next two business days. Otherwise, my mom wants to call and yell at them. She doesn't seem to know that once it's shipped, yelling at them doesn't do anything. They can't make it ship faster, they've already handed it over to the USPS.

I got a $15 pair of leather gloves to be my falconry glove. I just need to put an eylet or two in the cuff and it will be perfect.

I caught two more house sparrows. I put them in the aviary instead of the freezer. Last night one of them wriggled they way throught the top, then got caught in the net and choked to death trying to get back in. Now I have 3 birds in the freezer and one in the aviary. Hopefully I will catch more.

I remodeled my room to make it more falcon-friendly. Now there's a lot more space by the window and in the corner to the right of the window. That way, I can move the kestrel near and away from the window.

You have been updated.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Review of Western Sporting Goods

I am very upset with Western sporting right now.
I ordered two books from them a while ago which came throught fine, but my last TWO ORDERS have not processed.
I have been waiting for my leashes for five weeks now. They were supposed to be here 8 days from ordering. I have called once a week for the last three weeks and they have yet to do anything about it but take my email and put me one the urgent list (which does nothing).
I was thinking about this a bit. Suppose I was not an apprentice collecting my beginner's equipment but a falconer whose leashes were starting to wear out. Suppose I had called plenty in advance to be sure that I would have them before my worn leashes were useless. It is not plenty in advance anymore and I would probably have lost my bird!
If they can fix it today, I will take the order and leave their customer pool. If they can't fix it today, I will cancel the order and leave their customer pool.
Your time is ticking Western Sporting. You have about three hours to take my 27 dollars before I leave.

Friday, June 6, 2014

More Trapping

I made another Funnel trap a while ago and set it up where there are no dogs to eat my birds. I caught three female house sparrows on the third day and, yes, I got to keep these ones. I put them in an aviary that I had all set up for them. They immediately got out. I managed to get two of the three back. I fixed the aviary so they couldn't get out then messaged Monica on facebook. Now they're in the freezer because that's what she told me to do.

A few days later I went to check my trap and it was gone. I wasn't super surprised, I had set it out in the open right next to a busy road. But I was angry. I left a note where it had been and put up a notice on the subdivision's webpage. I found it today. It wasn't in nearly as bad of shape as the other trap when I found it, but it did look like someone had run over it on their bike, which is probably what happened. I fixed it up, but now I need to find out another trapping situation for it. I think that I can set it up across the street from where it was. There it will be hidden by some trees and bushes, but I need some more bird seed. I had my mom buy some when I ran out, but the birds don't seem too keen on it.

They like penuts.

Oh, and my leashes still aren't here. I've called Western Sporting twice now and appearently my case has been marked urgent. It would be really nice if I could just get my leashes though.