Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm Mad

I just found out that I do have to be 14 to apprentice.
5 months till my birthday.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Time for a Story

I'm gonna tell you about how I got interested in falconry.
   When I was around 6 I heard my brothers talking about falconry. My brother talked about becoming a falconer and getting a peregrine falcon. The thought of owning a falcon so entirely captured me that I have not forgotten since then.
    My brother, Braden, was the kind of person who says things that aren't true if they'll make him sound smarter. My dad call it BS: Braden Says. Point being: he gave me plenty of false information.
     I thought that I had to be 14 to apprentice, so i started studying at 12 thinking that I would spend 2 years memorizing every measurement of every raptor and all their behaviors and I would memorize everything in the falconry packet from the fish and game.
     Then I learned that I could apprentice at 12.
     I dumped previous plans and saved up enough money to buy the California Hawking Club Apprentice Study Guide and Apprenticeship Manual and buy into the Idaho Falconer's Association. About a week before school ended I promised myself that I would have a falcon by the time school started again. Then I learned about trapping seasons and money and apprenticeship and reality, and I promised myself that I would be apprenticing by the time school started again.
     And I'm almost there.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

From My Backyard

I would like to tell you what I saw from my backyard a few minutes ago.

Here, have a sloppy diagram.
So, I was sitting in my backyard when a red-tailed hawk flew over my head about 15 feet off the ground.
Then it swooped into my neigbors' backyard and got dive-bombed by the nearby resident Kestrels.
     Ahhhh kuna.